Sunday, May 26, 2013

A Grandview Kind of Day...

When we were house hunting, Grandview Heights was top on our list of neighborhoods we wanted to live. It's a great walkable neighborhood, with a really nice little downtown strip with good restaurants & coffee shops, along with a Jeni's Ice Cream shop! Door to door, it takes us 7 minutes to get to work by car & is equally an easy bike ride (well once the construction down the road from us is completed!). Even though our address is "Columbus", Grandview is it's own municipality, which means it has it's own school system, which is top notch. Because of all these great things, there is very little turn over of houses in Grandview. There were only about 4 houses on the market when we looked, in contrast to ~40 in another popular neighborhood we were interested in as well. Since moving here, we've realized just how lucky we were to find our house and have been grateful ever since.

This Saturday was a great example of all the things we love about Grandview... The morning started off with the Grandview Memorial Day Parade. 

Just a quick walk down the road to the parade route & to meet up with some friends.

Here comes the band! Molly's got her bucket, ready to pick up any candy & treats! Fortunately, she still has no idea what candy is and was more happy to pick up the bouncy balls and stickers being passed out.

The Grandview fire trucks! Molly's favorite, although this time it wasn't carrying Santa. Every Christmas, the firetruck delivers Santa to the library for the kids to tell him what they'd like for Christmas. 

Lots of fun at the parade... Post-parade coma during our walk home.

Saturday evening we went to the Grandview Hop! This is kind of like a neighborhood art walk, with local artists & music along Grandview Ave. We started off with some good wood-fire pizza at Figlio's and then walked up and down the street to check out the "hop". Although Molly still doesn't know what candy is, she has now figured out that she likes ice cream and immediately asked for some when we walked by Jeni's. Poor kid is in for a surprise when she realizes that most ice cream doesn't taste nearly as good as Jeni's! Last time her favorite flavor was riesling poached pear, but yesterday's favorite was pistachio & honey.
During our stroll Molly got really excited when we passed "Brutus the Buckeye", the OSU mascot. Guess this kid might be turning into a Buckeye after all, although we have to teach her the correct order of his name.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday, Molly!

Today is Molly's 2nd birthday! Very hard to believe she's two years old already. Molly had two birthday celebrations this year. The first was when grandma & grandpa Pintor were in town last weekend visiting. Here are a few highlights...

Today's we celebrated with friends during a birthday breakfast playdate at our house. Here are some of the highlights...

Getting ready to blow out the candle!

 Whoa, not too close!

"I did it"... Very proud of herself!

Aden & "Aden's daddy" Brian!

Ines (AKA "Nessie) and her mom, Kristen.

Miss Ellie!

Molly & Ines... They're in the same classroom together at school/daycare. We realized today that they probably spend about 40 hours a week together! Good buddies...

Baxter, with Aden & his daddy, Brian.

Ted, Sabrina & Miss Ellie!

"Mr. Joel" and Ines...

Miss Matilda, with Liza & Simon.

 Molly & Ines trying out the bike buggy!

Happy Birthday, Molly "bean"!