Sunday, June 30, 2013

As I'm sure you all knew, June 28th was International Mud Day! Molly's class at daycare celebrated by making some mud puddles and inviting the parents to join in the fun. It was a beautiful morning for Mud Day, and Molly enjoyed it while being her normal, cautious self (you'll notice that she's not completely covered in mud - most kids weren't but there were a few more adventurous ones). Here are some pictures of Molly...

making mud pies...

 Getting her feet wet...

doing some mud jumping....

and some more mud jumping...

some mud surfing (or mud karate - i'm not really sure what she's doing here)...

some mud painting...

 and finally, some cleaning up...

It was a pretty fun morning at Buckeye Village - and since Molly loves the water so much, we decided to do some running through the sprinkler this weekend to top it all off

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Friday, June 7, 2013


Over the past couple of weeks we've caught Molly "reading" aloud as she's looking at her books. Obviously she's just memorized the story as we've read it to her, and associated parts of the story with the pictures, but it's been cute to watch her read the story aloud to herself or to us if we ask her. Here's a clip of Molly with her nursery rhymes book, which she sings to rather than reads once she sees the picture, but she does read with some of her other books too. Enjoy!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Life on the farm

Molly got quite a treat this weekend - and she'll probably be talking about it for weeks.

Our realtor Susie, who helped us find our home, happens to live on a 200 acre cattle farm about an hour outside of Columbus with her husband Tom.  She was nice enough to invite us and our friends (whose home she also helped find) out to the farm for dinner and an evening feeding the cows.

Molly and her friend Ellie had a blast. Here they are riding on the "tractor"

After a great dinner (steak, of course). We all headed out into the fields to herd us some cows and bring 'em in for their dinner. Molly is supervising our friend Tom here (he is a retired faculty member from Animal Science Dept. at OSU).

And here she is getting ready to take some hay out to a group of cows

And here they are on the way back (Molly let Tom drive on the way back to the shed)

Then Ted, Ellie, Molly and I followed the rest of the group out to some more distant paddocks to check on a few of the other cows

 And here they are.

The rain held off until the way home, so we had a beautiful evening out on the farm. Nice and warm (a little humid) and surprisingly bug free.

We're not sure which she liked better - seeing the calves or driving on the tractor. Either way, it was a great experience for Molly and a fun way to spend a Saturday afternoon and evening in June.