Sunday, June 12, 2011

closing in on one month...

and Molly has kept us busy with the normal newborn trifecta of eating, sleeping and dirtying her diaper. She has had a few milestones since the last update - and since her first tornado sirens...

Let's see, she had her first full bath, and she's starting to scream slightly less during those (she doesn't like to have her clothes off), she had her first bottle of mom's milk (and her first in general since the day we got home from the hospital), and she had her first meal out - brunch today with our friends from Chicago Julie and Darren and their kids Nora and Donovan. We tried our first dinner on the front porch last night since the weather has gone from being almost-record-breaking hot to very pleasant. But, dinner on the front porch was interrupted by a fussy baby. We're taking baby steps as we figure out what things work as we adjust to our new lives...

Here are some more recent pictures...

Oh - and we can't forget how good Neko has been - we were kind of expecting the worst since she was used to getting all the attention - but she's been content looking suspiciously at Molly from a distance and chirping at birds and squirrels out the window...

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