Friday, July 22, 2011

Two great weekends with grandparents!!

Molly's had a wonderful past two weekends with her grandparents! She had her first visit to Chicago to see Grandma Irene & Grandpa Joe. Molly also got to see the Japanese maple tree that grandma & grandpa are going to plant in the yard in honor of Molly.

Molly was particularly excited to meet Aunt Karen & is looking forward to meeting baby Jack next time!

Molly also enjoyed grandma's homemade blueberry pancakes before heading to the Old Town School of Folk Music festival.

The following weekend MomMom & PopPop Brooks came to visit!

We enjoyed walks around Meadowbrook Park and U-Illinois' campus before the perpetual heat set in.

We also went to the U of I's conservatory to see a rare corpse flower in bloom! The plant is 10 years old and it was blooming for the first time. If you got close enough you could smell the "rotting corpse odor" emanating from the flower!

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