Friday, October 28, 2011

Tracking Molly's Development at School...

Molly's wonderful teachers, Ms. Emily, Katrina & Jessyca put together a poster of Molly's development at school. It was great to learn about some of the developmental milestones that they're helping Molly to reach! Here are some pictures of the poster. A little hard to read, but hopefully you can see some of it. If you click on each of the pictures, it should enlarge the view.

Here's the full poster. Below are each of the sections.

Fine Motor Skills

Social Development. Landon is a day older than Molly. The other day I had fun watching them each try to take away each others rattle as they were playing together!

Large Motor Skills

Emotional Development

Cognitive Development: As you can see, Molly didn't enjoy the sensation of the oobleck (corn starch & water)! She did, however, enjoy playing with a pop-up toy with Jaden.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Molly's first big people food!

Sort of - this is actually day 2 of rice cereal. She's a bit slobbery as expected, but she's getting the hang of it.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Exersaucer'ing with Grandma Irene!

Molly had fun trying out her new exersaucer (Well new to Molly! Thanks, Jack!) with Grandma Irene!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hiking at Allerton Park...

Two weekends ago we went on a short hike out at Allerton Park to see the fall colors and enjoy the last of the warm fall days. Molly enjoyed the hike & even stayed awake for half of it! Here are a few pictures of Molly & daddy!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Talented friends & family...

 Molly's received some beautiful handmade gifts from some of our friends and family! Here are a few that we've gotten pictures of Molly with so far. We can't help but want to show off their talent!

The trifecta of handmade gifts... At the very top is a handmade burp cloth from Rachel, colorful lovie from Aunt Karen & a crocheted blanket from Helen S.

Handmade quilt from our wonderful friend, Val!

Handmade sassy bag from our friend down under, Emma!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Rockin' & Rollin'!!

For the last week or so Molly has been frequently rolling onto her side at night in her crib. So we've been working with her during the day trying to help her get used to the motion. Well this evening as we were playing with her on her playmat, she rolled over all by herself, quite unexpectedly actually! I thought it'd be a while until she did it again, but this little girl knows the value behind the phrase "practice makes perfect" and rolled a few more times. In the first video she flashes a cute little smile afterwards. Clearly she was quite proud of herself, as were we! The second video is the full roll from start to finish; proof that we didn't help her! Please ignore my singing of the 80's classic "Who's Johnny" by El Debarge or "Where's Molly", as I like to sing it. Amazing how in the blink of an eye she's gone partially mobile!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Bumbo & Blocks!

For the last 2 weeks, Molly has really been enjoying sitting in her bumbo chair and playing with either her "links" or her new favorite... her colorful blocks from Aunt Meg, Uncle Chris & Cousin Hunter!