Friday, October 28, 2011

Tracking Molly's Development at School...

Molly's wonderful teachers, Ms. Emily, Katrina & Jessyca put together a poster of Molly's development at school. It was great to learn about some of the developmental milestones that they're helping Molly to reach! Here are some pictures of the poster. A little hard to read, but hopefully you can see some of it. If you click on each of the pictures, it should enlarge the view.

Here's the full poster. Below are each of the sections.

Fine Motor Skills

Social Development. Landon is a day older than Molly. The other day I had fun watching them each try to take away each others rattle as they were playing together!

Large Motor Skills

Emotional Development

Cognitive Development: As you can see, Molly didn't enjoy the sensation of the oobleck (corn starch & water)! She did, however, enjoy playing with a pop-up toy with Jaden.

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