Monday, January 23, 2012

MomMom & PopPop Brooks come for a visit!

Over Martin Luther King weekend, MomMom and PopPop Brooks came for a visit! We had been frequently showing Molly pictures of them hoping she'd give them a smile & a wave rather than a frown (Molly's got a bit of stranger anxiety). Fortunately it seemed to work because she gave them a wave when they came to the door! Soon Molly was enjoying a story with MomMom by the window...

And breakfast time with PopPop...

Lunchtime at the North Market...

We had lots of playtime on Molly's mat with all her toys and with daddy's hat!

Some window watching with MomMom...

Even though it was cold, we went on a few walks. The first one was around our neighborhood (Grandview Heights).

The another walk on Ohio State's campus...

Clearly, Molly was enjoying their visit!

Overall a very nice visit with MomMom & PopPop!

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