Monday, July 16, 2012

Alligator, alligator...

This past Saturday, Molly had her last swimming lesson for the summer season. Jeremy's been taking her every Saturday for the last 6 weeks & she's progressively gotten much more comfortable in the water, which was the goal. One of Molly's biggest achievements was jumping in the pool (into daddy's arms). To encourage the kids to jump in, they sing the song "Alligator, alligator stand so tall. Alligator, alligator jump off the wall!". For the past 5 weeks, Molly just enjoyed clapping along to the song, but seemed very uninterested in jumping in herself. But this week, she finally jumped in on her own! It was really fun to see & a great way to end her swimming lessons for now. Here's a little clip, along with another clip of one of the other activities they do in the pool, "London Bridges".

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