Friday, November 2, 2012

The Count....

We just started letting Molly explore some kid's learning apps on our IPad. There are quite a lot of cool and interesting apps out there for kids and I'm starting to see how easy it could be to get hooked on or resort to these sorts of electronic forms of "play" and learning. Not that we think they're "bad", but personally, while we can, we're going to limit her exposure. Still it's been fun & Molly seems to enjoy it.

One of Molly's favorite apps is "I Hear Ewe", which is an app which teaches kids the sounds that different animals or objects makes. So we'll ask Molly "can you tap the X", she taps it and then it makes the sound that the animal or object makes. Interestingly, Molly's favorite objects to identify and hear the sounds of are transportation-related objects, like cars, planes, trains, fire trucks and her favorite, the ambulance. Although we have to correct the app's pronunciation of "ambulance" which they literally pronounce as "ambelance"! When she'd like to play on the IPad, she points to the mantel where we usually keep it and say "woo, woo" or "ambulance" to ask for it.

We recently downloaded an app recommended by Aunt Meg, called Count TV. This is a Sesame Street app with The Count teaching kids the numbers 1 - 10. Not sure Molly's learning the numbers but she has quickly picked up the Count's laugh. Here's a little clip...

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