Saturday, December 8, 2012

It's that time of year, so Molly has been helping us get ready for Christmas. Last weekend, after we picked up our tree, Molly helped Mommy put some decorations on the tree.

In the movie clip below, you'll also see that we went to the campus movie theater for a little music and some holiday-themed video shorts - and, surprise, surprise, Santa was there! He joined the band at the front of the theater for a song and spent some time high-fiving all of the kids. Molly made her way up to the front, and, just after the video ends (I didn't want her to get in Santa's way so I stopped filming to go get her), Santa came up to high five her. She completely stiffed him and stared at him instead.


Also last weekend, Molly helped Mommy paint some decorations

This weekend, we tried very hard for some good pictures to use on our Christmas cards for this year... here's one attempt, that may or may not make the cut.

Then we decided to go to the Grandview Heights library for the first time to check out some books - and - it just happened to be the day that Santa was visiting, so we decided to make a morning of it. Despite having already met Santa the weekend before, Molly was still a little unsure about what the guy in the red suit was all about. She didn't cry, she just looked a little bit spooked and uncomfortable the whole time. She also didn't seem too keen on being placed in his lap - so this is as close as she got.

But, she's been practicing saying "santa claus" and "frosty snowman" and I'm sure that will continue. She's also been watching old Frosty the Snowman and Suzie Snowflake videos with Mommy, and old California Raisins Claymation Christmas Special clips with Daddy - so she's in the holiday mood.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

"Horsey song"

The other week we came into Molly's classroom to find the kids all huddled around the computer in their jackets. They had all just piled in from playing outside and were clearly anxiously awaiting something on the computer. That something turned out to be the William Tell Overture and the image of a horse running. Once the music started all the kids started dancing, bouncing, even galloping around the room. It was pretty darn cute! Since then it's become part of their routine and Molly, in particular, always requests the "horsey song" when them come in from outside. Then when we pick her up she makes sure to tell us "horsey song all done", so that we know she got to listen and see the horsey song!

Here's a little clip I managed to get when we picked Molly up one day. The kids aren't quite as animated, but enough so that you can get the idea. Molly's the one in the purple puffy coat and the monkey hat.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Interest in the potty!

We went up to Chicago for Thanksgiving with grandma & grandpa. Molly had a great time & I think provided tons of entertainment for all! While we were up there, Molly got to check out two of the little potties that my parents had picked up from friends. Molly took a fast interest in checking them out & within a day or so was imitating "making pee-pee on the potty". We were very encouraged, although we're not going to push it with Molly. It's still pretty early. However, after the new year, Molly's teachers are going to open up the bathroom attached to their classroom for the kids to start to explore. Their bathroom is designed with little kids in mind. We're excited to see how the kids take to the bathroom and the idea of going on the potty! We brought back one of the little potties from grandma & grandpa's so we'll be ready in case she decides she's ready to move on from diapers.

Here's a little clip of Molly trying out the potty!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Mom mom and Pop pop's visit

Like Lauren said, we're way behind with blog posts. I got a new camera that shoots HD video and was learning exactly how to edit (shorten) videos, get them downloaded and then post them online. So here's my first attempt. It probably won't look HD because I downloaded it in a lower resolution.

This is from waaaaay back in early November when Mom mom and Pop pop came out to visit.

It's been so long that it's actually hard to remember exactly what we did. I know that Molly had a lot of fun with mom mom while pop pop and daddy were putting together a railing for the front steps!  We also went to the Blendon Woods Metropark and got to see some ducks and other birds. We had fun running through the leaves (as you can see in the video below) and - as always - sitting down to read a book (also in the video below). I hope this works...