Sunday, April 20, 2014

We're slowly thawing out from a long winter here in Columbus. It' been a while since we've posted (as has sadly become typical for us), so here are some updates. We've been busy - mostly with work - but Molly has kept us busy too. We did her first set of gymnastics classes this winter and we went through another round of swim lessons, this time with Ines from school. And, Molly is getting close to 3, which brought with it some challenging mornings, afternoons, evenings, and all times in between... Here are a few highlights that I have pictures for....

Lauren and Molly spent part of the long winter baking. If I remember correctly, this was chocolate zucchini muffins - yum...

And who can resist licking the chocolate from the mixer

Next - we went with some friends to the OSU Vet School's open house day. Molly started by getting a cat painted on her face.

Then she got into her scrubs for some teddy bear surgery

Here is the surgical team - Molly, Asher, and Cadie. 

Then, we finally had a gorgeous weekend for an Easter visit from Hunter, Sydney, Uncle Chris and Aunt Meg... Thanks to Meg and Chris for bringing out some eggs to hunt for.

I got an orange one!

"Where do you think the easter bunny goes after he brings the eggs" - "you know, that's a good question. I hadn't though about that. Maybe he goes to the east pole?"

More easter stuff - yeah!

And, what was probably Molly's second favorite part of the weekend...helping to feed Sydney (her favorite part was sharing her bath with Sydney)

We're looking forward to a good spring and summer filled with camping, swimming at the community pool, a trip to Mtn. Springs, and lots of other fun stuff.

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