Most nights, Molly is definitely ready for bed by 6:30pm. We go through our bedtime routine of a bath (every other night), followed by getting into our PJs, a bedtime snack (i.e. I nurse her) and then one bedtime story. The past several nights, she's been passed out before we get to our bedtime story, as the picture can attest to!
Still I try to get a short story in so that I can put her in her crib awake so she continues to learn to fall asleep on her own. We've been really fortunate that Molly is a good sleeper overnight (she definitely got the Pintor gene for sleeping!). Well, she became a good sleeper overnight once we took away the pacifier at 5 months old. Typically she's down for the count until ~6am. One VERY important part of Molly's bedtime routine is "froggy". Froggy is Molly's little soft green frog that she cuddles with and chews on (thank you, teething) every night. If Molly does stir overnight, she calms right back down as soon as she touches froggy. Needless to say, we have 2 backup froggies! These days, once morning rolls around, we typically find Molly standing up in her crib ready to go, but not without froggy!
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