Friday, February 24, 2012

"Now remember, you two are cousins..."

I'm still sifting through pictures from last weekend's trip to mom mom & pop pop Brooks' house to share with you all, but in the meantime we have a pretty cute video to share of Molly and her cousin Carter. This was the first time we all got to meet Carter, who is a month older than Molly. He is quite a cuddly, little lover! And with his striking blue eyes, is for sure to knock the socks off of the ladies (or boys if he chooses!) when he's older! Molly had a really good time with her cousins, despite recovering from her cocktail of illnesses. Although we tried to reduce the spread of Molly's germs, clearly we didn't do a good job in this video. But it was hard to stop the cute kisses & cuddles...

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