Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Gidde up!

Molly's latest hand-me-down toy is a rocking horse that my parent's got from my Aunt Halina. Molly took to the "horsie" right away! Now she crawls over to it most mornings waiting for you to come give her a horsie ride. As soon as you pick her up, she spreads her legs in prep for straddling the horse! It's pretty cute. She's gotten the hang of having to hold on, but occasionally gets adventurous and waves her hand in the air, riding horsie one handed! Also, if you notice in the video, she's gotten the hang of kicking the horse to make it go faster! Afterwards, she always has to give the horse a kiss and hug. While we're excited that she loves her rocking horse, we're hoping it doesn't mean she's going to want a real one someday!

Here's Molly giving the horse some pets (gentle & not-so gentle!) a hug & kiss!

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