Thursday, April 26, 2012

Whistle... toot, toot!

As I mentioned in my last post, Molly's becoming a lot more affectionate with everyone & everything lately. It's usually brought on by things that she's really excited about. Like when we pick her up at the end of the day, when she sees one of her favorite stuffed animals or when she turns to one of her favorite pages in her book.

One toy Molly really enjoys and gets excited for right now is her wooden train whistle (which is really for when she's older, but she likes it now). Initially she was actually afraid of it when you'd blow in it. But slowly over time, she's gotten more and more interested in the whistle & now actively hands it to us to blow in. She even tries herself, but obviously can't quite get it yet. Although sometimes she simply hums in the whistle to imitate the noise herself!

Here's a little clip of Molly having Jeremy blow into the whistle & then thanking him with kisses & hugs! She got a little too excited at the end, so now we're working on teaching Molly "gentle" pats!

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