Thursday, October 4, 2012


Sorry for the delay in posts lately... We were out of town last weekend for a wedding and then have been participating in a conference for most of the week. So we haven't had a ton of time behind our computers. We'll do a proper post on Molly's weekend with mom mom and pop pop Brooks and cousins Libby & Carter soon, but I first need to get the pictures from Jeremy. In the meantime I thought I'd post a little video of Molly "talking" about her other cousin, Hunter!

Molly's been doing really well with names lately. Admittedly, often only we know who's name Molly is actually saying, i.e. we'd need to interpret her words for other people! But still it's fun to watch Molly start to look at pictures of family and say the name of who's in them without us prompting her. It's also fun to ask Molly which friends she's going to see at school and see who she's excited to tell you about. Typically Molly always mentions "Addi" first. "Addi" is Adelaide, who I think is Molly's good buddy in her classroom. After that it's usually "Tom" but I think it's because she likes saying his name, which she says in this low pitched voice.

Yesterday, Molly took her box of pictures, grabbed the one of her and cousin Hunter on the swings and promptly pointed at the picture & said "Hunter"! There was no questioning what she said either. I managed to get her to do it again, although it's a little hard to hear. Just make sure to have your volume turned up!

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