Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Approaching a full transition to cups...

We're getting very close to a full transition over to sippy cups with Molly. As of about a week ago we transitioned Molly over to a sippy cup in the morning & at bedtime (i.e. no more nursing). We were a little nervous about how she'd do with no longer nursing at bedtime, but she's done just fine. Fortunately, I think Molly was as equally ready as I was to gain/regain more independence and be done with breastfeeding. While I fully believe that the decision to breastfeed and for how long you might breastfeed is an entirely personal decision and a decision that should not be criticized or judged, I have to say I'm very proud that Molly and I were able to make it a whole year. That was my goal & I am grateful that I was able to reach it.

I think part of the smooth transition has been Molly's excitement for her sippy cups. Although maybe she's a little too excited about her cups...Lately she's been frequently grabbing both her cup of water and her cup of milk and hugging them both simultaneously!

Despite Molly's affection for her cups, we've been working hard on teaching Molly that the cups aren't a toy, i.e. "When we're done, we place our cup on the tray or give it to mommy or daddy. We don't throw it on the floor!". We've also started giving her a real cup with water to show her that the water spills if you don't place the cup down correctly. Of course, we've had our fair share of spills, but the past few days Molly's been doing a pretty good job of putting her cup back into the cup holder. It's become a bit of a game at times, but we've watched her purposefully trying to put the cup down upright in other situations that it's clear she's starting to grasp the concept. Here's a little clip of Molly's progress...

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