Friday, June 29, 2012

New room!

Although one of the bedrooms in our house had previously been a little girl's room, we decided to set up Molly's bedroom in a different room. Unfortunately this room was painted a dark, chocolate brown. Nice color, but not particularly appropriate for a little girl's room and it also made the room feel small. So we decided before this heat wave set in, we'd take advantage of the two days of cool temperatures & low humidity and paint Molly's room. We went with "crocus petal" (a very light lavender/purple color). It turned out great & really brightens up Molly's room.

Given Molly's extremely observant nature, we were excited to see her reaction to her new paint color... Here's a little clip of Molly's reaction. I think she likes it! The wall immediately behind her just has primer on it, but the wall adjacent is painted so hopefully you can see some of Molly's new "crocus petal" walls.

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