Monday, June 25, 2012


Molly finally started to walk in the last week!! Last Wednesday, she started taking a step or two in between Jeremy and I. Then on Friday, Jeremy had Molly out in the front yard as he was watering. Molly loves "helping" daddy out in the yard, which essentially amounts to Molly raking the mulch in the flower beds. She's not a fan of crawling on the mulch, probably because it doesn't feel very good on her hands and knees. Perfect motivation for some more walking, right? Well, indeed, it was... Below are two video clips, one is of Molly taking a few steps between us and then another clip of her taking about 7 steps to help daddy rake some mulch. She was a little unsteady at the very end, but overall, we were so excited for her and super proud! Soon after that, she came inside and almost walked the entire length of the living room. She still prefers to crawl or hold onto things, but we couldn't be more excited for Molly reaching the walking milestone! I have to admit, it was such a cool, exciting and almost overwhelming feeling to watch her go. She seemed pretty excited about it too!
Sorry about the orientation of the video!

Here's Molly's 7 steps in the front yard!

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