Lately, we're really starting to "see" just how much Molly really knows and understands. Before you wondered, does she get what I'm saying or asking her. But now she's starting to clearly respond to your questions. For example, for a while now if you ask Molly "where's daddy" or "where's mommy", she turns and looks for whomever we're asking about. We've already shared with you what happens when you ask Molly "how big are you?"... the hands shoot straight up! Now if you ask Molly "where's Neko", she not only looks around for Neko but when she finds her, she clearly says "ka". She also clearly says "ka" when Neko just walks in the room or by Molly. Who knows if she's trying to say "cat" or "Ne'Ko'"! She responds to "hi" and "bye" with a wave, albeit backwards at herself! She'll also shake whatever is in her hand if you ask her to "shake it".
We've been working on signing with Molly as well. She knows "milk" for sure & we think she signs "milk" back to us when we ask her if she wants milk. We can't tell if she's figuring out the sign for "all done", but think she might be. Right now she just waves her arms up and down when we ask her if she's all done with her food. Kind of looks like how she claps, but who knows! She might be equating the sign for "more" with her puffs or cheerios because that's usually what she always wants more of when we ask her. Jeremy said that now when he asks her if she wants more, she looks up at the top of the fridge which is where her cheerios and puffs are.
Overall, it's been a lot of fun watching her learn all these things & really start to engage and interact with you. This morning, I caught Molly on camera looking and finding her egg shaker toy when I asked here "where's your eggy"? Here's a little clip!
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