Monday, March 26, 2012

Horray for Athens visitors!

The month of March has blessed us with visitors! Two weekends ago Molly got to meet our good friends Richard & Andrew, who came to visit from Athens, GA.

Didn't take long for Molly to warm up to "Uncle Richard" and give him a little cuddle!

With the beautiful and strangely warm weather, we were able to get out for a little hike at High Points Metro Park where Richard, the expert birder, found us an eagle's nest to look at from the look out tower! If you look closely you can see the eagle's head.
Molly with the boys!

Uncle Andrew trying to get a taste of Molly's mum mum!

After that it was back home where Molly got her first experience of the green grass between her toes!

The next day it was off to the Audubon Metro Park for another walk for some us & a nap for Molly!

And of course we couldn't let Uncles Andrew & Richard leave without a taste of Jeni's ice cream! Molly got her first taste too! Like her mama, Molly has a bit sweet tooth & kept opening her mouth up for more, just like a little bird! 

We felt very lucky to see our dear friends & Molly definitely enjoyed their visit, too! We can't wait for the next time...

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