Monday, March 5, 2012

Ha, ha, ha... bo, bah!

Molly continues to be a chatterbox lately. It's pretty fun to watch how her sounds evolve and change from day to day. The "ka, ka's" seem to have become more isolated to certain situations, like in response to Neko walking in the room. "Ga, ga" still seems to be for no particular reason. "Da, da" makes an occasional appearance but not often. No "ma ma" still... The funniest is "ha, ha, ha" often followed by a "bo bah". The "bo bah"s lately seem to be evolving into "ba ba" and "pa pa". Molly seems to particular enjoy making sounds that require her to press her lips together, which in the last two days has evolved to spitting and the return of raspberries. We've started waking up to Molly chattering away in her crib, which is pretty cute. Sometimes I'm not sure if she's actually still asleep while she's talking because she'll be chatting away and then go back to sleep. I wonder who's she's talking to!'s a little video of Molly doing her "ha, ha, bah" during "rolly time" which is probably our favorite time of day with Molly. "Rolly time" is the time when we play on bed which Molly treats as a big gym, usually rolling around, climbing and pulling up on mom & dad, and wrestling her stuffed animals and dolls. She tends to get really excited & chatty during "rolly time"! You might need to turn up the volume a bit to hear Molly because she's pretty soft spoken with her ha's. Enjoy!

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